Saturday 13 October 2018


Nightlife tour to Taj Mahal

Do you have a night trip to Taj Mahal on the full moon day? Let's fly.

Night Journey to Taj Mahal every month,India tourism department arranges. Night time tour is conducted only for 5 days per month. Two days before the full moon day, the tour ends two days after the full moon day

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On the full moon day, the Taj Mahalai looks more beautiful and its marble stones are shining brightly. It's extra beautiful.

To book tickets for 24 hours a day, you can go to the Indian Archaeological Survey office at the Delhi Office of Mall Road and book a ticket. It is open from 10 am to 6 pm. . Information related to Taj Mahal's official website. Telephone numbers to contact:

+ 91-562-2227261
+ 91-562-2227263

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